To be completely honest, an OTC fuel injector cleaner is not as effective as professional cleaning. Carbon is what gets deposited on the fuel injectors and clogs them. Unfortunately, this can be difficult to remove. Sediment found in your diesel fuel or gasoline can also clog the fuel injectors. Midwest Auto Care can clean your fuel injectors to reopen the valves and restore the fuel flow. Here is a list of signs that you need to get your fuel injectors cleaned.
Misfiring/Sputtering Engine
Carbon and dirt can prevent the fuel from flowing into the combustion chamber and, as a consequence, you will end up with an engine that is starved for fuel. When this happens, the engine will begin to misfire and sputter, especially when you are driving at faster speeds. The injectors must be cleaned to restore your engine’s performance. Dirty injectors do not put enough fuel into the chamber.
Rough Engine Idle
This will also affect your engine’s idle. You will notice that the idle is quite rough. In fact, if the engine is severely fuel-starved, it may stall. As with the sputtering engine, in order to restore your vehicle’s smooth idle, you must have the injectors cleaned so they can spray more fuel into the cylinders. Clogged injectors are unable to meet your combustion chamber’s fuel demands.
Poor Fuel Economy
Unfortunately, the engine performance issues discussed above will directly affect your vehicle’s fuel economy. There is no way your car, truck, or utility vehicle will get its normal gas mileage if it is struggling to run. Another thing that can reduce the fuel economy is leaking fuel injectors. As the fuel injectors age, they can crack and leak gasoline or diesel fuel into the combustion chamber.
Sporadic RPM Needle
You may be able to tell that you have clogged injectors by looking at your tachometer. If the needle is dancing up and down sporadically, this is a sign that the vehicle is getting an uneven stream of fuel. As the fuel spurts out of the clogged injectors, the RPMs increase, only to decrease when there isn’t any fuel supply.
Dead Engine
Finally, you will be unable to start your engine eventually. This is because there is no fuel stream coming out of the clogged injectors. Your vehicle’s engine cannot start without fuel.
Call Midwest Auto Care in Lake Station, IN, today if you are experiencing any of the problems listed above. We can clean your fuel injectors and restore your vehicle’s performance.